Amazing cure for Acne or Hair Loss- Use of Kalonji Oil by Nature Sure

Amazing cure for Acne or Hair Loss- Use of Kalonji Oil by Nature Sure

Amazing cure for Acne or Hair Loss- Use of Kalonji
Oil by Nature Sure

Use of Kalonji
Oil to cure acne, pimples or hair loss is proven by medical studies. Kalonji
Oil is the scientifically proven remedy to treat acne, hair loss, in fact
medical studies have proven that Kalonji Oil can help in re-growth of hair.  The Kalonji or the Nigella seeds are small
black drop shaped seed. It is used for enhancing the taste of several dishes. There
are various names given to these seeds such as Caraway, Kalonji, Nigella
Sativa, Habbatul Baraka, Black Seed, Kaluduru, Schwarz Kummel, Fennel Flower,
Roman-Coriander, and Fitch.

Apart from the
taste and aroma, these seeds are also used to obtain oil, which has enormous
medicinal benefits. The benefits of Kalonji oil is also stated in Ayurveda.
Though it has a bitter taste, still its very useful. For more than 200 years,
Kalonji oil is being used for the internal as well as external treatment of the
human body. Mainly here we are talking about the external use of Kalonji Oil.

There is no
denial to the fact that Kalonji oil has many uses and benefits but the most
important factor is getting pure unadulterated fresh oil. Nature Sure is a brand that provides Kalonji oil ( Nigella Sativa,
Black Cumin Seed) with its natural wholesome goodness that can be applied very
safely to your body externally. 

Let us have a
look at the use of kalonji oil and benefits one can get by using Nature Sure Kalonji oil:

Acne & pimples with Kalonji Oil
Use the mixture
of Nature Sure Kalonji oil along with lemon juice to revive your skin and to fight
with acne. It can keep your skin issues at bay. The ratio is simple, take a full
cup of sweet lime juice, mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji oil and apply the
formed mixture on your face. Use it twice a day and watch your blemishes and
acne disappear.

2.     Prevents formation of scars after surgery
Use this amazing
kalonji oil to prevent the formation of scars after surgery. Rub it on the area
and get scar free skin.

3.     Helps in beard growth
Men willing to
have long beard can use Nature Sure Kalonji oil.  The daily use of Nature Sure Kalonji Oil helps
in hair re-growth. Use it regularly and see the effects.

4.     Helps to get rid of  headache
This is a
miracle benefit of the oil. Modern day lifestyle has negatively impacted our
well being. Stress and anxiety result in head ache and this can be very well
treated by Kalonji oil. Instead of having a medicine it is better to apply the Nature
Sure Kalonji Oil on the forehead.

joint pain
For a massage to
ease your joint pains or inflamed joint heat Kalonji oil mixed with mustard oil
and let it smoke. Once the oil has cooled down apply it directly on the joints
to see the pain eradicating away. Best suited for adults, who are witnessing
the problem of joint pain, due to aging effects.

teeth stronger
Kalonji was
traditionally used to treat bleeding gums, swelling of gums and weak tooth.
Visiting a dentist is a necessity but massaging your teeth and gums with Kalonji
oil and curd can be very useful to get relief from the pain.

relief in a cough and cold
Kalonji oil if
poured in boiling water and the fumes are taken it works immensely for treating
cough and cold. Even the congestion can be cured to a great extent if the vapor
of the oil is inhaled.

     8. Treat
acidity and stomach pain
Take a little
bit of Kalonji oil, heat it and mix hing in it, apply this mixture on your
naval and any issues of acidity or digestion can be cured by this. 

    9. Piles
Piles is a
common issue these days which occurs due to the improper lifestyle and wrong
dietary habits. Kalonji oil mixed with a teaspoon of natural vinegar if applied
on the affected area for three times a day can prevent the problem of piles.

Low hearing
Kalonji oil is
extremely beneficial to solve the ear problems. Heat the Kalonji oil and then
let it cool. Once cool put two to three drops of oil in the ears to solve any
hearing issues, ear pain or any other ear diseases.

11. For tumor and swelling
Kalonji oil if
applied to the affected area can reduce the severity of the tumor. The swelling
of body parts can also be reduced with the local application or intense massage
with the Kalonji oil.

12. To heal cracked heel
The cracked
heels can be cured using the mixture of paraffin wax and Kalonji oil. Heat the Kalonji
oil and gradually add Kalonji oil to it. Once the mixture blends well by
stirring it can be stored in an air tight container for six months. Apply this
cream twice a day to do away with the issue of cracked heels or cracked

One thing should
be kept in mind that Kalonji oil has numerous benefits only if the pure oil is
used. To avail those benefits one need to buy the Nature Sure Kalonji oil. Use the body oil to get all the amazing
benefits for your body, hair, and skin.

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