Is your food affecting your vaginal discharge's smell & taste????

This is one of the top issues many female wonder about, but usually don't ask: Is it possible that our vaginal discharge smell can be affected by the food we eat?
Many times in every woman’s cycle, hormonal changes can cause our vaginal secretions to change in taste from sweet to salty or sour. The consistency and smell can change as well. But the smell and taste should never be unpleasant. 

The odour and taste can also be different when aroused, or when sweating (or both). Infections, like yeast or bacterial vaginosis, can also cause changes in odour, taste and/or consistency - usually causing disgusting, strong odours.

The foods I hear most about in this regard are raw garlic, citrus fruits (particularly pineapple), strawberries, coffee, asparagus, as well as alcohol, nicotine and vitamins. You can experiment with dietary changes, but beyond that (and normal hygiene), there’s not much you can do. In the end, it’s important to remember that as long as you have a healthy vagina, free from infections, it’s not about making it better or inferior. Every woman simply has her own unique taste and smell.

As long as we are on the subject of food, allow me to talk about some healthy dietary choices for you.

Many fishes are vital in our diet because they are full of the omega-3 fatty acids, and particularly two types known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). The best is raw and refined dairy, rather than the homogenized, pasteurized and irradiated dairy products on the grocery shelf today - which are void of much nutrition and have been linked to infection.

Beans are a good source of protein/fibre and may have shielding effects against heart disease and breast cancer. According to some nutritionists, beans may play a role in stabilize female hormones. It has been shown that women who consume a large number of beans, including peanuts, have a lower incidence of breast cancer. Beans are known as one of the best source of both soluble and insoluble fibre. They can help reduce cholesterol, and their high level of a nutrient known as isoflavone can help in the directive of hormones and may aid with PMS, perimenopause, or menopause symptoms.

Tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit, and red navel oranges contain lycopene, which we have all been hearing about because of all its health benefits for the heart and protection against breast cancer. It can also possibly keep us looking younger longer by protecting against UV damage from the sun.

Vitamin D3 is also all over the news and in women's magazines - we hear about the epidemic deficiency that we are seeing in 75-80% of all women tested. Vitamin D3 is known as the "Sunshine Hormone" because it take sunshine to convert Vitamin D to the active, essential form known as Vitamin D3 that is needed by our bodies to prevent illness. it is important that we recognize any lack of D3 and correct it. Women lacking in Vitamin D3 can have a depressed mood, lack of energy or severe fatigue, and be vulnerable to more colds and flu viruses. It is amazing that recent studies are showing that maintaining adequate blood levels of Vitamin D3 has the potential to prevent up to one half of all breast, colon, and ovarian cancer.

Berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and cranberries are some of the greatest foods, and similar to wine, in that they carry powerful anti-cancer nutrients known as anthocyans, which are believed to play a role in cell repair. In fact, research has shown anthocyans may decrease the risk of several cancers, including those in the breast and gastrointestinal tract.

These fruits are also very high in vitamin C and folic acid, which is essential for all women in their childbearing years. They also possesses cancer-fighting properties. They are filled with powerful antioxidants, which protect the heart by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. They also keep the skin beautiful and youthful by protecting against aging. Cranberries may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in women, while the nutrient lutein, found in all the berries, can help protect vision. 

The healthier you are, the better your body will function, and the more likely your vaginal discharge  will smell better

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